Thursday, March 21, 2013

Our Schedule

So, as you guys know, we recently filmed a movie. We flew to Tulsa to take part in the CIY Kingdom worker movie. Ever since then, we have been really, really busy. We have been so excited for our upcoming projects, and we want to be able to do as much as we can.

Over the last few weeks we have realized how much we want to work for this. When we went to Tulsa, and got to talk with other students about what they did to stand up for what they believe in, and when they stood up for their faith, we were inspired to put more effort into what we do.

On March 14th, we took place in the #NOMOREday. It was a giant day were we all stood up to say no more to violence. We did this through social media, contacting governors, congress, and many other political leaders to ask for their support, and we even got the White house to sign  an extension on the VAWA document. It was a big day for us, and all the other organizations that stood with us. We couldn't have had more people willing to help, and we were so blessed with the support we got.

On March 17th we hosted the #SilenceEndsHere campaign on twitter to help spread awareness for women who are pushed into silence all around the world. We focused on the women who are in human trafficking, who are threatened, and who are scared into silence. It was a huge success, and we even had participation from the Verizon Foundation. That was a big hit for us!

On March 20th we launched the Gold Canyon Candle fundraiser, and it is a big hit! We will be selling the candles for the next 2 weeks, so make sure that you get them fast! We are using this to help with a violence awareness conference we will be holding. All the money will be used to spread awareness. (To order, email We hope that this is a success!

We both have been so blessed by you guys, and by every one who has stood by our side. We hope that you all know how much you mean to Beautifully Made


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